“Mitropolit Iacov Putneanul” Publishing House
Keeping Vigil in Our Holy Prince’s Home. Elders of Putna Monastery
The book De veghe în casa Măriei Sale. File de pateric de la Mănăstirea Putna (“Keeping Vigil in Our Holy Prince’s Home. Elders of Putna Monastery”) includes portraits of more than 80 elders. The largest presentations are dedicated to Holy Prince Stephen the Great, the founder of the monastery, and Holy Hierarch Jacob of Putna, Metropolitan of Moldova, its second-greatest founder. Among the people portrayed in the book are Saints Theoctistus I, Daniel the Hermit, Theodosius from Maniava, Ilie Iorest, Venerables Silas, Paisios and Nathan, and great personalities of their times, such as Eustatie the Protopsaltis (15th century), Metropolitan Antonie (18th century), Archim. Vartolomei Mazereanu (18th century), Bishop Dositei Herescu (18th century), Bishop Isaia Baloșescu (19th century), and monastery elders from the 20th century: Archimandrite Iachint, Hieroschemamonk Chesarie, Archdeacon Teofilact, Monk Serafim.
Second edition
Year of publication: 2019
Number of pages: 432