“Mitropolit Iacov Putneanul” Publishing House
The 1871 Putna celebration. Publications, documents, memories

The present volume mainly includes articles and materials on the 1871 Putna Celebration which were published in the newspapers of the time: Curierul de Iași, Românul, Telegraful, Trompeta Carpaților, Traian, Federațiunea, Albina, Familia, Semănătorul and in the Convorbiri literare literary magazine. Most texts were transcribed after the original newspapers or after copies kept at the Library of the Romanian Academy, at the Central University Library – Iași and the Central University Library – Cluj. The volume also includes a few documents from the Putna Monastery Archive, republished, the Burial Sermon for Old Stephen, Prince of Moldavia, surnamed the Great, attributed to Hierodeacon Gherasim of Putna, and three memoirs signed by Samson Bodnărescu, Theodor V. Stefanelli and Ioan Slavici.
The main tool used in making the present book was Serbările naționale de la Putna (“The Putna National Celebrations”) (Câmpulung Moldovenesc, 2004), coordinated by the late Anghel Popa, a researcher with a major contribution to knowledge on the modern and contemporary history of the Putna Monastery. This work’s bibliography was our most treasured guide. Another fundamental work for the present anthology was Serbarea de la Putna, 1871 (“The 1871 Putna Celebration”) by Teodor Balan (Chernivtsi, 1932).
Year of publication: 2021
Number of pages: 352