Annals of Putna

VI, 2010, 2

„VI, 2010, 2”

Egidijus Banionis (†)
Diplomatic Relations between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Duchy of Moldavia (1492–1501)

Ștefan S. Gorovei
Sur les débuts du Monastère de Moldovița

Ieromonah Dosoftei Dijmărescu
The Mother of God Champion Leader and the Patron Feast of the Putna Monastery

Ștefan S. Gorovei
Documents d’Étienne le Grand. Observations en marge de quelques mentions anciennes

Gabriel Mihăilescu
Metropolitan Jacob’s Primer

This issue includes several scientific articles on the epoch of Saint Stephen the Great and the history of Putna Monastery.

“Annals of Putna” journal has its own website, with details for every issue and the authors.

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