Annals of Putna

VII, 2011, 1

„VII, 2011, 1”

Bogdan-Petru Maleon
Some Remarks on Gaining the Princely Power in Moldavia during Stephen the Great Epoch

Ștefan Andreescu
Tursun Bey’s Chronicle on Stephen the Great. A New Translation

Andrei Pippidi
Cetatea Albă (Akkerman) attaquée en 1475

Zamfira Mihail
Deux Missels arhieratika copiés par le hiéromoine Gervais de Poutna (1676–1677). Préliminaires philologiques

Maria Magdalena Székely
Autour de la datation du Missel de Gervais de Poutna (BAR Cluj, ms. sl. 2)

Monah Alexie Cojocaru
Two Notes on the Patrimony of the Putna Monastery

Monah Iustin Taban
The Portraits of the Hegumens of the Putna Monastery. Several Observations

Ieromonah Dosoftei Dijmărescu
The Status of Venerable Daniel the Hermit at the Middle of the 16th Century and a Possible Signification

Mihai-Bogdan Atanasiu
A Donation from Jacob of Putna and Its Significations

Olimpia Mitric
Inventaires ecclésiaux de la Bucovine historique aux Archives de l’État de Tchernovtsy

Liviu Papuc
The Unveiling of the Statue of Stephen the Great in Iași – A Moment of National Effervescence

Sergiu Iosipescu
The Metropolitan of Bukovina Tit Simedrea and the Holy Putna Monastery. (Some New Documents and Testimonies)

Ovidiu Cristea
An “Exemplum” from the Holy Land and Ion Neculce’s “O samă de cuvinte”

Radu G. Păun
The Commemoration of Stephen the Great in the Chilandari Monastery on Mount Athos. Several Observations

Elena Firea
Stephen the Great and the Cult of Local Saints. Working Hypotheses and Documentary Limits

Lucian-Valeriu Lefter
About the Solidarities and the Lineage of the Boyars of Stephen the Great. Several Clarifications

The present issue includes the lectures given at the ninth edition of the Putna Colloquia, hosted by the Putna Monastery between the 14th and the 17th of July, 2010.

“Annals of Putna” journal has its own website, with details for every issue and the authors.

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